BetterGov is pleased to announce that we have been named as a supplier on the Crown Commercial Service framework for RM6263 – Digital Specialists and Programmes (DSP). Through Lot 1 (Programmes) of the framework, BetterGov are able to provide our clients with specialist multiskilled delivery teams to support digital, data and technology programmes, from discovery through to live and finally retirement.
The DPS framework is restrictive to only 50 suppliers awarded on each Lot, following a very competitive tender process and strict award criteria. As a result, public sector organisations are now able to access high calibre and experienced suppliers swiftly and flexibly, saving time and money on the procurement process.
What is the Digital Specialists and Programmes (DSP) Framework?
The DSP framework replaces Lot 2 (Digital Specialists) of the Digital Outcomes and Specialists (DOS) framework and offers a quality assured route to:
- Larger digital transformation – rethinking how an organisation uses technology, people, and processes to create new business models and new revenue streams.
- Larger capability programmes – suppliers helping to achieve strategic objectives through groups of projects that involve research, testing, designing, building, releases, iterations, support, and retirement.
What has changed from the DOS framework?
The key difference between the DSP and the DOS frameworks, is that unlike the DOS framework, a fully defined scope of works with outcomes are not required. The resourcing and delivery model provided in the DSP framework can assist with firming the scope of works, identifying outcomes and working towards them.
“Being named as one of only 50 consultancies awarded on Lot 1 of the DSP framework is a fantastic achievement for the team. Although BetterGov are listed as preferred supplier on several other CCS frameworks, the exclusivity of the DPS is testimony to BetterGov’s abilities to solve business critical issues, embed successful change and deliver real value for clients and service users alike.” – Guthrie Holliday, Director
At BetterGov, we pride ourselves on building lasting relationships with clients, helping them break away from expensive suppliers and sustainably develop internal capabilities to support digitally-enabled transformation programmes.